The Student and Campus Centers’ (SCEC) posting guidelines complement Georgia Tech’s Freedom of Expression Policy and Procedures while addressing sustainability, maintenance, and safety guidelines. Note that an individual’s counter- speech may not deface or materially change the meaning of another community member’s previous or prior existing expressive activity.

Postings on Vertical Surfaces

SCEC bulletin boards are available in visible locations on the first and second floors of the John Lewis Student Center and the first floor of Exhibition Hall. Additionally, outdoor bulletin boards are located along the experiential pathway next to Smithgall Student Services (Flag Building) and the Divine Nine Plaza, on the southwest corner of Tech Green facing the Campanile, and on the southeast corner of Tech Green facing Skiles.

In compliance with Georgia fire code and local regulations, SCEC limits postings on building interiors to designated community-accessible bulletin boards. Outdoor bulletin boards serve as central information hubs and are subject to the same posting guidelines as indoor bulletin boards. Specific posting policies on institutional bulletin boards may vary across university buildings.

  • Posting (inclusive of, but not limited to, flyers, banners, posters, signs, or similar) is impermissible on sidewalks, streets, building exteriors, bannisters, railings, benches, light poles, bike racks, windows, doors, landscaping, horizontal surfaces, or other unapproved surfaces and spaces. Water-soluble chalk may be used on uncovered sidewalks that are exposed to the elements.
  • For indoor bulletin boards, SCEC requests a copy of the flyer be delivered to the Information Desk prior to posting.
  • Only one flyer per event/issue/topic may be posted on any applicable bulletin board. Repetitive postings will be removed.
  • Flyers should not be larger than 8.5 x 11 inches whether in portrait or landscape format.
  • Flyers that do not refer to dated events may be removed on a weekly basis by administration.
  • Flyers that refer to dated events will be removed after passage of the relevant event date. SCEC Administration will remove flyers on occasions when preparing for major university events or subsequent space reservations.
  • Thumb tacks are the preferred means when adhering posters or flyers to public bulletin boards. Magnets are preferred when such bulletin boards are magnetic.

Plasma Promotions

  • Plasma promotions are a digital posting opportunity for community groups to display messages across the John Lewis Student Center and Exhibition Hall.
  • To submit a plasma promotion, please visit the Advertise in Our Spaces page on the SCEC website.
  • Ads will be displayed in the Student Center and Exhibition Hall.
  • Ads will go up within 3 business days following submission.
  • All ads will be displayed without sound.

Format Requirements

  • The file containing the ad should include the student group/department's name.
  • Ads must be in landscape orientation.
  • Ad dimensions must be at least 1460 x 830 pixels.
  • The file containing the ad must be in JPG or PNG format.
  • Ads must align with GT Brand Identity Standards.
  • Plasma ad submissions must follow the above submission standards, or they will not be posted.

Pricing will be reviewed annually and adjusted based on market rates.